Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

My friend Ruthi thought that just perhaps she could "be the one" that finally looks good in white sunglasses. Nope. But, she does come the closest yet! Her friend Donna might look cute in them, but that's only because Donna is cute. Sorry 'bout it.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Via Facebook, my buddy Pete read the blog for the first time, and had this to say: "The blog is genius! Only douches wear white sunglasses." Amen, brotha.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Well, folks. Yes, everyone has one: a blog, and this one is mine! It has been dormant for while, but I promise you, I'm back. I was inspired, quite frankly, because last Saturday, I happened to be out and about. It was about 11:15 pm, and low-and-be-hold, someone was at the bar, at night, WEARING WHITE SUNGLASSES. God! Of course, the person looked absolutely stupid for wearing sunglasses at night at bar, and doubly-stupid because they were white sunglasses. I dealt with it, until someone walked in wearing CLEAR-lens-white sunglasses.

Folks, wearing clear lens-white sunglasses ? ........ NO! the person looked awful! I need my spotters to send me a photo.
This picture, taken at the now closed bar/club Universal, demonstrates that even a good looking person, looks absolutely horrible in white sunglasses.
Longtime follower Travis was eager to send this one in! proof positive that even a roommate doesn't look good